As of late October 2024 there are 247 articles here on and counting (all but four written – for better or for worse – by me, Dr P) 🙂 Use the table of contents to help you find your way around. Each post is only listed under one heading (even though its content will sometimes straddle several areas). The first section below groups advice on “Learning specific languages”, particularly German, Russian and Welsh. Lower down you’ll see my personal language projects. There are posts on methods and learning situations and on the key skills (regardless of language). There’s a small section on careers in languages. Towards the bottom you’ll find some travel-driven posts (often including vlogs). Finally, reviews of language learner events, including my much-loved vlogs from the Polyglot Gathering and the Polyglot Conference.
If you’re looking for the best language learning courses, head first to Dr P’s top recommended resources (click here). If you’ve questions about any of the courses, shoot me an email.
I’m thrilled that you’ve visited the site. Enjoy exploring!
Learning specific languages
(check out the “Lessons for you from my projects” section below, too)
Learn German grammar: why and how?
German grammar guide: topics you need to know (with key terms)
The 50 most common German verbs
The 50 most common German adjectives
German false friend word alert! (Your ultimate list)
German Christmas words you need for Christmas traditions you’ll love
How to remember German noun gender: the ultimate guide
German cases made simple (without endless tables)
German nominative case (made clear)
German accusative case (one stop shop)
German genitive case: the only guide you’ll ever need
German modal verbs explained: the ultimate guide
German relative pronouns and relative clauses made clear
Joining it up: how conjunctions can transform your intermediate German
The German imperfect tense: form and uses made clear
The German future tense: top dos and the don’ts
Six German vocabulary keys to unlock your word power
German listening practice on steroids (neglected technique)
The Goethe-Institut German A1 exam explained
The Goethe-Institut German A2 exam explained
The Goethe-Institut German B1 exam explained
From beginner’s (A2) to intermediate (B1) German. What’s the difference?
Intermediate (B1) German vocabulary and grammar: what and how?
Motivation for intermediate (B1) German: enjoying the highs and getting through the lows
Hello and goodbye in German. Quick guide to the key words and phrases
German job interview phrases to set you up for success
How to make friends in German, in the country or not
Must-know German opinion phrases for agreeing and disagreeing
Café culture in German: words and phrases
Best German series on Netflix for keen learners
Ten ways to support Welsh, even if you don’t speak the language
How to remember the gender of Welsh nouns and when it matters
Learning all six Celtic languages (interview with Simon Ager)
Welsh to B2 certified: a successful candidate shares her story
Learn the Russian alphabet in an afternoon: three tricks
Get Russian aspects right every time
Russian language exams: a guide
A2 Russian: the upper beginner skills, vocabulary and grammar that you need
Russian A2 test: the TRKI Basic Level exam uncovered
Russian TRKI 2nd and 3rd Certificate materials reviewed
The TRKI 4 advanced Russian exam: successful candidate interview (2)
The TRKI 4 advanced Russian exam: successful candidate interview (3)
Guy aces the TRKI 4 (C2) advanced Russian exam successful candidate interview (4)
TRKI 4th certificate: the fullest “how to” candidate interview yet (5)
Kyiv, Kiev, Odesa, Odessa (place names in Ukraine in Ukrainian and Russian)
Top learn Russian YouTube channels
Best Russian YouTubers for upper intermediate learners
The 50 most common French verbs
Coursebooks for learning Basque: the complete guide
Discovering the world of Swahili (learner interview, in French)
Ten reasons why you should learn Portuguese….and why Spanish can wait
Alpha to Omega: learning the Greek alphabet (video)
Learning methods and situations
Is there a “Dr Popkins Method” to get fluent?
“Dr Popkins Method?” How I learned French
“Dr Popkins Method?” Getting fluent in Welsh
“Dr Popkins Method?” How I learned Russian
“Dr Popkins Method?” How I learned German
“Dr Popkins Method?” My strengths and weaknesses
“Dr Popkins Method?” Excited by fluency
“Dr Popkins Method?” Keeping going at language learning?
“Dr Popkins Method?” How I got fluent and you could too
Shadowing for language learning explained
Group language classes: for, against and what to do
Group language course abroad? For and against
How to choose a language school abroad
One hundred language learning insights (the 100th post)
Translation as a language learning method: the ultimate guide
How long does it take to learn a language? The truth!
Foreign language exams for adult learners: for and against
How to pass a foreign language exam
Ten brilliant ways to beat exam nerves
How to remember vocabulary: the Gold List Method explored
Intensive study of a language from scratch (“ab initio”) at university. What’s it like?
Language learning when seconded “in the field”: some solid advice
Why learning a language in retirement is a great idea
Two simple methods to “embrace effort” in reading and listening practice
How does learning new languages get easier?
Language textbooks: good or bad?
A talent for languages? Yes, no and what to do
What’s the best language course for you?
Minority language resources: a guide
How to find minority language native speakers
Minority language dialects: a problem for learners?
Why learn a minority language?
Have you got the fluency mindset?
How to learn a language at home in a crisis
Great inspirational quotes for language learners
Language learner’s year compass
Four language learning mini habits for big results
Three encouraging language learning truths
How to keep learning a language when life’s turned upside down
Language learning “anchors” and getting back on track
How to choose an online language tutor
What to expect from a foreign language tutor (and what not to expect)
How to find and fix mistakes in your foreign language speaking and writing
The key language skills
Pronunciation Plus!
Do these key causes explain YOUR foreign accent?
How soon should you speak your new language?
Why they won’t stop speaking English and how to keep the conversation foreign
How “to boldly go” when you’re too shy to speak your foreign language
Sound more fluent: nine tricks
Talking to yourself to learn a language?
How important is reading for learning a foreign language?
How to read in a foreign language: the skill unpicked
Reading for fluency….and pleasure in your foreign language
Stuggling to read in your foreign language? These three tips will help smooth the way
Foreign language reading tips: one technique, two helpful types of text
Reading in a foreign language. Enough of stories? Time for the facts?
A fun little vocab and writing project
Careers in languages
How do you become an interpreter? What is working as an interpreter like?
Advice for a career as a translator: a pro shares her story
Lessons for you from my projects
General updates
Basque/Japanese diary: Week Four
Basque/Japanese diary: Week Three
Basque/Japanese diary: Week Two
Basque/Japanese diary: Week One
Two language tango: a new four-week learning sprint (Basque/Japanese)
Language learner’s update (May 2018)
Language learning together…from 2017 to 2018
Language learner’s update (May 2017)
Zwischen den Jahren: language learning together from the old year to the new
How to improve your written Russian: sounds, spelling and word formation
My Russian TRKI 3rd certificate results: insights for your advanced language exam preparations.
Project Advanced Russian, or steppe-ing up for the TRKI 3rd certificate exam.
How to prepare for an advanced language exam. Lessons from my Goethe-Institut C1 success
Logging your language learning (and an update on Project revive my German)
Project revive my German: three lessons for your language learning
Language momentos (1): finding a room with basic German
Intermediate Basque: learner update
Learning Basque as life gets in the way (Dec 18 update)
Euskalonski: on a Basque TV shoot (with video)
One month Basque boost: final week diary (with video)
One month Basque boost: third week diary (with video)
One month Basque boost: second week diary (with video)
One month Basque boost: first week diary (with video)
One month Basque boost: kick off (with video)
Basque Intensive! 7: out and about (video)
Basque Intensive! 6: the inside view
Basque Intensive! 5: post-course native speaker call
Basque Intensive! 4: second half diary
Basque Intensive! 3: half way diary
Basque Intensive! 2: from London to Bilbao and Lazkao (a vlog)
Basque Intensive! 1: on the eve
Six tips for keeping going with your language learning (and an update on my Basque)
Learning Basque in Add1Challenge 5, final report
Back in an on-line language learning group or “Carry on Basque” as Add1Challenge 5 kicks off
Mission accomplished as Add1Challenge 4 draws to a close
Basque Add1Challenge: three weeks in
A boost for my Basque? The Sumer 2014 Add1Challenge begins
Learning Japanese Months 32 to 39 update
Learning Japanese Months 27 to 31 update
Learning Japanese: Months 23 to 26 update
Learning Japanese: Months 20 to 22 update
Learning Japanese: Month 19 update
Learning Japanese: Month 18 update
Learning Japanese: Month 17 update
Learning Japanese: Month 16 update
Learning Japanese: Month 15 update
Learning Japanese: Back from Japan (Month 10 update)
Learning Japanese: Month 9 update
Learning Japanese: Month 8 update
Learning Japanese: Month 6 update
Learning Japanese: Month 5 update
Learning Japanese: Month 4 update
Learning Japanese: Month 3 update
Learning Japanese: Month 2 update
Learning Japanese: Month 1 update
New Project: Learning Japanese
Icelandic’s success as an inspiration for Welsh and Europe’s other “lesser used” languages
Learning Icelandic: 30 day focus
Learning Icelandic in Reykjavík (vlog)
“Minimmersion” Indonesian 8: Prambanan, the Sultan’s palace and departure
“Minimmersion” Indonesian 7: Day 5 (video): my last class and unforgettable Borobudur
“Minimmersion” Indonesian 6: Day 4 (video): language, rain and the Tugu
“Minimmersion” Indonesian 4: Day 2 – begins online and ends with a splash
“Minimmersion” Indonesian 3: Day 1 at the school, more explorations and speaking some Indonesian
“Minimmersion” Indonesian 2: arrival
“Minimmersion” Indonesian 1: the plan revealed
H2GF at large: “smash and grab” travel, culture and language
The visibility of Scottish Gaelic: a signage safari
Viennese slices: first impressions of the Austrian capital
Russian Easter in London – the blessing of the food ceremony (with vlog)
Trying to decipher Slovak and exploring the sights of Bratislava (post with “smash & grab” vlog)
Exploring Beijing when you don’t speak Chinese: things to see and travel tips (“smash & grab” video)
Singapore’s languages: “smash and grab” (video)
Happy New Year in three languages…and more
How to choose an AirBnB apartment
H2GF at large: events for language learners – reviews and vlogs
Language events: the ultimate guide
Polyglot Gathering relived (daily vlogs 2022)
Polyglot Gathering Online: daily vlogs
At the Language Event: Edinburgh
Polyglot Conference Daily Vlogs 2019
The Polyglot Gathering: learner “takeaways” review
Polyglot Gathering daily vlogs 2019
Britain’s “other” languages: three creators speak (report)
Edinburgh language learners’ meetup, reviewed
At London’s Language Show (with vlog)
Polyglot Conference Daily Vlogs 2018
Insights from the Polyglot Gathering 2018
Polyglot Gathering 2018: the daily vlogs
Northern Highlights. From the Polyglot Conference in Reykjavík
A new language record! (video from the Polyglot Gathering)
The Fourth Polyglot Gathering, reviewed (Bratislava, 2017)
Bratislava Live! Vlogging the Polyglot Gathering 2017
German pronunciation challenge (from the Polyglot Gathering)
In Thessaloniki at the Polyglot Conference (review and video)
At large at Language Show Live (vlog)
Polyglot Gathering 3: the movie
At the Polyglot Gathering 2016
Core vocabulary: a second vlog from the Polyglot Conference, New York City
Vlogging the Polyglot Conference
“With my people”: In New York City for the Polyglot Conference
The Polyglot Gathering 2015: top language learners’ tips and reflections