So, you want to learn German fast? There’s no hiding it, getting really good at German is a big undertaking that takes a lot of time: maybe 350 hours study for a basic, functional “working knowledge” at the “lower intermediate” level (sometimes called “B1”) and at least 600 hours to get even more fluent across a wider range as an “upper intermediate” speaker (B2). It also takes a shedload of commitment. But here’s the thing! If you’re motivated, you can achieve specific goals a lot more quickly. It’s a question of knowing what you need your German for and consistent application of effective methods that will take you there.
To learn German more quickly, take responsibility for your own progress.
No teacher can beam the language into your head.
Group classes (“school style”) are very inefficient if you rely on them on their own, though they can give your learning a welcome social dimension and help with motivation.
One-to-one classes or language exchanges can be an invaluable tool but full time one-to-one learning is expensive.
For most people, the two real engines for rapid progress in German are effective self-study and lots of practice in their own time.
And let’s be clear from the get go: nobody ever got fluent in German just by using an app. Some apps are better than others, many are “gamified” to, erm, keep you on the app. What are they good for? As a supplement or for some extra down-time engagement (if you don’t feel like doing something more effective instead).
Beginning to learn German? Experience the power of StoryLearning with "German Uncovered": click here for deal info. |

Learn with your specific German goals in mind
Follow the advice in this post and you can get yourself ready to use your German in the sorts of basic everyday contexts that we all need or in highly specialised contexts that are personal to you.
This post is addressed to you if you’re a beginner, a false beginner or rusty.
That said, much of what you’ll read will also help intermediate learners who are ready to move swiftly to the next level.
You might want to be able to connect with in-laws or grandchildren or use the language to get things done and make wonderful memories when you’re travelling. You might already be into aspects of German culture and want to experience it from within. You may want to forge new business contacts by giving a presentation in the language or bond less formally with potential customers afterwards.
You’re clear on what you want your German for?
You’re sure you REALLY want it?
And you want it, like, yesterday?
Ok, let’s look at what you need to do to learn German fast.
Master pronunciation fundamentals
Time may be short, but don’t be tempted to neglect the key elements of the German soundscape. If you haven’t tuned your ear in properly, your listening skills will suffer even if you know the words or grammar “on paper”.
You’ll sound dire, too.
Focus on sounds that are different from English. Understand that getting the rhythm and intonation of phrases right can be even more important than the pronunciation of individual sounds and words.
You don’t need to polish so much that you could pass for a native. but if you pay attention to the right things and you can “sound” better than you are.
That matters because you need to win the confidence of the fluent German speaker you want to talk to.
If you fail at key aspects of accent, talking with you can be a real strain for them.
There’s a risk they’ll just switch to English…or avoid you altogether.
Get the main sentence patterns
If you want to learn German fast, don’t get distracted by abstract German grammar for its own sake.
Don’t get bogged down in tables showing German verb and case endings.
Instead, think of grammar as the most important repeatable German sentence patterns. Focus relentlessly on these patterns.
Grasp rules of thumb that explain what’s going on and that you can apply on the wing (like the ones for the German case endings). Learn the highest frequency exceptions.
Later, when you’ve developed more of a feel for what sounds right, you can work some more on “grammar” to help you fill in the gaps, refine your expression and explain surprises.
Beginning to learn German? Experience the power of StoryLearning with "German Uncovered": click here for deal info. |
Learn the most frequent German vocab
Raw wordpower matters but did you know that just 250 words or so make up about 50% of everyday German?
Build up to six or seven hundred “essential words” and you’re very much in business.
Reach 1000 words, you can understand 80% of an everyday German text and say a lot of what you want, even if you have to explain things in a roundabout way.
Your “first thousand” should include the 650 most common words (the top 50 German verbs are of course, important among them).
Add three types of fluency booster vocabulary
Add to those 650 or so most common words another three classes of words and phrases (think of them as special fluency weapons in your drive to learn German quickly):
Filler and conversational connector words such as “aber”, “schon”, “doch”, “ja” “meiner Meinung nach” (in my opinion), “oder?” (is it not so). They pepper natural speech and can really help move a conversation forward.
“Tool kit phrases” that help you keep up and learn as you go, without switching to English: “Wie sagt man x auf Deutsch”, “Könnten Sie bitte etwas langsamer sprechen?” and so on.
Your own personal “islands of fluency”, that’s to say, bespoke words and phrases that may not be so common but which relate to your personal need for German: talking about your profession, hobbies, goals and so on.
Learn how to get German into your memory (and out again)
Ok, Dr P, but how do I actually remember the key grammar patterns and essential vocab well enough to use them in real life?
Not by accident! Not in your sleep! Not with one magic method!
First, you need to get words into your memory (“encoding”).
To help you remember, understand how German words are formed: look out for similarities with English, understand how German makes bigger words out of smaller parts by gluing smaller words into bigger ones (compounding) or adding prefixes and suffixes.
Use memory association techniques to remember individual words.
Learn “chunks”, that’s short phrases for every situation that native speakers of any language deploy without thinking.
Second, you need to make sure you don’t forget what you’ve just learned.
It’s been shown that reviewing material as soon as the day after you first tried to learn it and then at increasing intervals is the way to make it stick. The method is called the spacing effect.
Paper flashcards or a flashcard app with the English on one side and the German on the other are great for this. If flashcards aren’t your thing, you can double down on lots of reading and listening practice with your course materials and other sources that interest you.
Beginning to learn German? Experience the power of StoryLearning with "German Uncovered": click here for deal info. |
Make your learning more effortful for maximum efficiency
Work creatively with your new vocab, chunks and grammar patterns you want to focus on.
Make up your own short dialogues with your words and phrases and practice with a conversation partner. Do the questions and other exercises that come with your course make your own. Dictation and translation back and forth can be powerful activities to get you working intensively with new examples of German that you’ve just come across.
Test yourself to turn vocab and grammar review from just repetition into more effective recall.
Working with flashcards or translation from English into German makes for more effortful interaction, great for consolidating memories!
Go back to your dictation, translation and or other exercises at intervals.
In short, don’t be passive, be interactive with your German texts and audio.
Make your learning effortful.
If you’re tired after focused study, that’s a good sign. No pain, less gain!
Yes! Deliberate practice like this is hard.
You may well finish a session feeling more frustrated than when you began or even that you’re going backwards.
Master your mind, stick at it and trust the process.
Get a good beginner’s German course
With new sounds, grammar patterns and vocab to master, you could easily waste a lot of time gathering scattered materials for yourself. You can end up overwhelmed and not knowing where to start.
If you want to learn German fast, do yourself a favour and begin with a well designed course that introduces the high-frequency German that ALL beginners need in a step-by-step way.
Working through the course unit by unit, week by week is a great way to pace your learning.
You can also refer back to your course materials if you hit questions when you’re out using your language “in the wild”.
Make sure the course is dialogue based, has audio with transcript and parallel translations into English.
Go for courses that have some explicit grammar explanation but made accessible and with a light touch. If you like exercises, make sure your course also supplies self-correct answers.
You’re looking for a course that doesn’t just teach the key pronunciation, grammar and vocab that we saw are so important but one that you can use for the effortful practice that we’ve just been looking at.
Get lots of enjoyable reading and listening practice
Focussed study with the aid of a good course will accelerate your progress in German remarkably, but it’s not enough on its own.
If you want to learn German fast, you also need a lot of exposure to the language: listen, read.
Once you’ve got some basics through your course – or earlier if you feel the urge – get started earlier with more relaxed “extensive” listening and reading.
Here the aim is to get enough to follow main thread of conversation or a story.
Extensive listening and reading are great helping you remember what you’ve already seen.
Plus: if the material isn’t too difficult for you, you’ll be able to “acquire” more German as well in a natural context, sub- or semi-consciously, without deliberate effort.
So, find books to read aimed at learners at your level.
Try podcasts for learners in the language, ideally with transcripts.
Some successful learners love diving into authentic content (i.e. made for natives) asap too.
To make reading native-level material easier, choose short articles on factual topics, read stories that you already know in English or use a parallel text with German on the right and an English translation on the left
As for listening, you may find it easier to watch the German (original or dubbed) films or series that you already know in their English versions.
As you start watching authentic German films, TV shows and YouTube vides, don’t be shy of switching on the subtitles to help (but, beyond the very earliest stages, use the German ones).
The golden rule for “extensive” reading and listening practice is this: find things you find interesting and would want to listen to or watch in English anyway. That way, it’s going to be so much easier to clock up hours and hours of enjoyable practice.
Beginning to learn German? Experience the power of StoryLearning with "German Uncovered": click here for deal info. |
What about speaking?
Whether you should speak from the very beginning depends on your personality.
If you’re the gregarious type who loves talking, learn the absolute basics and then throw yourself into using the language. Otherwise, there’s a risk your motivation will flag and you’ll give up.
If you’re not so social, it’s also not a problem. For you, conscious vocabulary and pattern building, reading or listening are going to be much more efficient activities in the early stages. When you start to speak, you’ll have a larger vocab and more experience of what sounds right and better listening skills. All these will help you activate your speaking more rapidly than somebody who focusses on speaking from the very beginning.
Most of us want to speak as well, though, and you can’t get good at speaking without speaking a lot.
Don’t put off speaking too long, just because you don’t “feel ready”. You don’t want to pass up on opportunities to make new friends in your language.
More than that, if you want to learn German quickly, don’t be a perfectionist.
Don’t fixate on mistakes. Nobody cares. Instead, focus on your message and on the other person.
Prepare and practice short, relevant “scripts” on conversation topics that you’re going to need.
Guess intelligently, pick up non-verbal clues to meaning, use those filler and conversational connector words to sound more authentic and win some time. Ask questions for the same reason and to check you’ve understood.
If you already know Germans with whom you can practise, great.
That said, will they always have time to help you as you strive to move forward at pace? Will they have the knowledge of the language to explain why things are said a certain way? Do they know how to give feedback constructively?
Don’t pay for a teacher to explain things you can get much more cost and time effectively from a good course.
No, where a teacher can really help is to explain things you’re stuck on and to ensure that you get consistent deliberate practice speaking. A good teacher will be able to give you reasoned feedback on your speaking and writing.
Try out different teachers over Skype or Zoom on a platform like When you’ve “clicked” with one or two, book a series of sessions in advance to make sure they really do happen.
The platform I use for this is I’m such a fan, I’ve had over six hundred lessons (for several languages).
Want to learn German fast? Let’s recap
- Get real! It takes hundreds of hours to get really fluent, but if you’re clear on what you need your German for and you use smart methods, you can make rapid progress.
- Don’t skimp on sound. Get key aspects of pronunciation right and you’ll win friends and influence people (well, they won’t run away or switch to English, at least 😉
- You don’t need all the grammar, just the main sentence patterns.
- You must learn the highest frequency vocab. The first 650 words, plus “toolkit phrases”, conversational fillers and connectors and the bespoke vocab that matters for your, personal needs.
- Apply “brain savvy” methods to remember patterns and vocab. Effortful intensive, deliberate practice will speed things up.
- Use a course to present you with just what you need, to avoid wasting time, confusion and overwhelm.
- Read and listen for pleasure as much as you can. You don’t have to “speak from day one” but to get good at speaking, you need to start and practise, practise, practise. One-to-ones with a teacher or exchange partner are great for this.
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