Is talking to yourself a useful technique to help you learn a language? Many successful learners swear by it and, done right, it offers four clear benefits. First, self-talk (as the technique is also called) builds up confidence (by removing performance pressure). Second, it lets you focus entirely on your own voice (so you can pay attention to accuracy). Third, it's a … [Read more...]
Five fun Christmas foreign language practice ideas
We had ten days of "deep and crisp and even"-ish snow here in London, but, as I write this on Christmas Eve, I'm afraid we're back to the seasonal norm: rain and dank grey skies. But not to worry! It's still festive enough here at Howtogetfluent Towers. 🎄 🎄 🎄 I do love a bit of Christmas kitsch, not least the … [Read more...]
A fun little vocab and writing skills project
Grrr. It’s mid November and it's getting dark by half past four in the afternoon here in London now. By 8pm last night, when I headed out for an evening walk, it was dank and misty. It really felt like autumn. My mood, though, lifted up as I came across something quirky: a Royal Mail pillar box adorned with a knitted hat or “topper”. I’d heard before that there’s … [Read more...]
Enhancing the rhythm of your language learning year
We all love quick wins in our language learning but true success comes when we stay engaged over the long term. For that, habit trumps goals and motivation. But here’s an idea that may count as a habit but can also add some real motivational swing into the mix too: building participation in events into the rhythm of your year. Of course, a twice-weekly conversation or once … [Read more...]
How to choose an online language tutor
One-to-one sessions with an online tutor play a large role in my language learning. I’ve clocked up over seven hundred live sessions on Skype or Zoom in a range of languages. In this post you’ll discover the questions that I ask when I’ve pulled up a teacher’s profile and am looking for a good teacher fit. is the platform on which I’ve found my … [Read more...]
How to learn Portuguese fast
So, you want to learn Portuguese fast? Follow the advice in this post and you can get yourself ready to use your Portuguese in the sorts of basic everyday contexts that we all need or in highly specialised contexts that are personal to you. This post is addressed to you if you're a beginner, a false beginner or rusty. That said, much of what you'll read will also help … [Read more...]
How to keep learning a language when life’s turned upside down
Last September, my life got turned a bit upside down. First, routine tests revealed that my dad had cancer and he had to go into hospital for a major op. I decamped to stay at his apartment near Oxford so I could visit him in hospital. We expected him to be out in five days, but he was in for a month. For a few days, things look pretty grim and it was just at that point that I … [Read more...]
How to learn Spanish fast
So, you want to learn Spanish fast? Follow the advice in this post and you can get yourself ready to use your Spanish in the sorts of basic everyday contexts that we all need or in highly specialised contexts that are personal to you. This post is addressed to you if you're a beginner, a false beginner or rusty. That said, much of what you'll read will also help … [Read more...]
How to learn French fast
So, you want to learn French fast? Follow the advice in this post and you can get yourself ready to use your French in the sorts of basic everyday contexts that we all need or in highly specialised contexts that are personal to you. This post is addressed to you if you're a beginner, a false beginner or rusty. That said, much of what you'll read will also help … [Read more...]
How to learn Russian fast
So, you want to learn Russian fast? There’s no hiding it, getting really good at Russian is a big undertaking that takes a lot of time: maybe 300 hours study for a basic, functional “working knowledge” at the “lower intermediate” level (sometimes called “B1”). It also takes a shedload of commitment. But here’s the thing! If you’re motivated, you can achieve specific goals … [Read more...]