Today was the last day but one of my five days’ studying Indonesian on the island of Java. It was sweltering hot and sunny when I arrived for class but they don’t call this the rainy season for nothing, as I discovered on my journey back to the hotel.
The lesson went well, with Johan, my co-ordinator, who also taught me on Monday, back as my teacher.
After an early afternoon online lesson on italki with Zacky, my last of the trip, I spent the rest of the afternoon holed up in my hotel room, drying out and waiting for the downpour to stop.
As darkness fell, Angun, whom I met at the Polyglot Indonesia meet-up on Sunday, picked me up and kindly showed me some more of the town from the back of his bike. We passed down the historic central axis of Yogya: the Tugu (obelisk) in the north, the central walled town (kroton), still the home of city’s Sultan and then the Panggung Krapyak hunting lodge in south. It’s all in today’s video, click below 🙂
Tomorrow morning I have my last session at the school. Two hours later, I head out on a half-day trip to the famous Borobudur Hindu temples. Altogether, the next video should be eventful, though given the weather in the afternoons for the last few days, rather than a spectacular Borobudur sunset, I’m braced for a washout.
Next in series: my last day at the language school and a trip to unforgettable Borobudur
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