In this post you'll discover four mini language learning habits that are easy to take up and that you'll find fun to do every day. There's a habit for each of the four language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. New Year's resolutions don't all have to be big and dramatic and, if you stick to your new tiny language learning habit, it could compound over the … [Read more...]
Reading in a foreign language. Enough of stories? Time for the facts?
When we're looking for things to read in our language, we'll often think in terms of stories. After all, stories can draw us in and keep us turning the page. They stimulate our imagination and provide context to help us remember. If we're still beginners or at the lower intermediate level, we might go for children's books or grab a "graded reader" (a text written - or adapted … [Read more...]
Two simple methods to “embrace effort” in reading and listening practice
Today's post looks at two simple methods you can use to get more active when practising the "passive" skills of listening and reading…. Look on it as a bit of resistance training. I first explored some ideals to help us "embrace effort", as I put it, over on the YouTube channel a few months ago. In short, what it's all about is putting a bit of grit in the oyster. Now, … [Read more...]
100 language learning insights
Here, all in one place, are one hundred of the best, brief, language learning insights I've come across in years of language learning and years of learning about learning languages. This is celebratory piece to mark a mini milestone: the one hundredth post published here on I hope you'll enjoy my selection. Of course, it could only ever be incomplete and … [Read more...]
Stuggling to read in your foreign language? These three tips will help smooth the way
Reading in your foreign language can bring real benefits, even if your main goal is to speak. That was my argument in article that kicked off this series on reading view hasn't changed :) What, though, if you're struggling to read in a foreign language? Here are three tips that will help smooth the way. Keep it short You started learning French because you wanted to … [Read more...]
Reading for fluency…and pleasure in your foreign language
When you're reading for pleasure, you're focussed on narrative, atmosphere, character, action. The individual details (and words) may not be as important as the pervading message. This post is about how to smooth the flow of such "extensive" reading in your foreign language. In the first post in this series on reading in your foreign language, we saw how important reading is … [Read more...]