Is talking to yourself a useful technique to help you learn a language? Many successful learners swear by it and, done right, it offers four clear benefits. First, self-talk (as the technique is also called) builds up confidence (by removing performance pressure). Second, it lets you focus entirely on your own voice (so you can pay attention to accuracy). Third, it's a … [Read more...]
Four language learning mini habits for big results in 2025
In this post you'll discover four mini language learning habits that are easy to take up and that you'll find fun to do every day. There's a habit for each of the four language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. New Year's resolutions don't all have to be big and dramatic and, if you stick to your new tiny language learning habit, it could compound over the … [Read more...]
Sound more fluent: nine tricks
I favour a long, slow game in language learning, but I'm still up for a good short cut. If, that is, it's actually effective. Here are nine quick fixes to help you sound more fluent in any foreign language, however you feel inside. Let's put a spring in your step when you're speaking! Keep your toolkit to hand Learn what I call your toolkit phrases from the very … [Read more...]
How “to boldly go” when you’re too shy to speak your foreign language
Feeling too shy to speak a foreign language is at times a real handicap for me and many other language learners. This post is packed with actionable tips to help you overcome your language shyness. First, it’s worth taking a moment to get the measure of the enemy! What is shyness? Shyness is awkwardness or apprehension around other people, especially new people or in … [Read more...]
100 language learning insights
Here, all in one place, are one hundred of the best, brief, language learning insights I've come across in years of language learning and years of learning about learning languages. This is celebratory piece to mark a mini milestone: the one hundredth post published here on I hope you'll enjoy my selection. Of course, it could only ever be incomplete and … [Read more...]
“Euskalonski”: on a Basque TV shoot (with vlog)
On Monday evening I sat down in front of my laptop to watch episode two of the travel show "Euskalonski" on Basque TV. It was exactly two weeks since I'd been filming for it with Pello Reparaz and his TV crew. This was the culmination of my "Basque Boost" project. Four weeks of ramped-up work on the Basque language. I've made a vlog sharing the inside view of the whole shoot. … [Read more...]
Do these key causes explain YOUR foreign accent?
Worried about your foreign accent or just want to tune it up a bit? You're in the right place! This is the first of a series on sounding good in you your target language. I'm calling it Pronunciation Plus! We all want to make sure that a thick foreign accent does not get in the way of good communication. It's really important to win the confidence of your … [Read more...]
Why they won’t stop speaking English and how to keep the conversation “foreign”
You’re visiting the country at last. Your long-awaited chance to practise “in the field” has arrived. You start to speak….stumbling utterances and then….. You are answered in English. It’s happened to me often enough and it’s left me feeling a failure, humiliated or just disappointed. What’s this all about and how can get people to stop speaking English? I’m coming … [Read more...]