If you failed to learn a language at school, chances are part of the problem was what was going on in your group language classes. Yet many people when they want to start or improve a language think about taking yet more group language classes. Erm, just like at school. Except that, this time, you're going to have to pay for it. Classes certainly do come in for some stick among … [Read more...]
Back in an on-line language learning group or “Carry on Basque” as Add1Challenge 5 kicks off
The Add1Challenge on-line language learning club is back and I'm in. The commitment to regular study in round 4 of Brian Kwong's initiative was a great way to give structure to my Basque studies during last summer's break in my night classes at the London Basque Society. Reporting back daily, weekly and monthly to my study group helped with motivation. It was also … [Read more...]