Here's the latest a series of interviews with successful candidates for the most advanced Russian exam, the TRKI 4th Certificate. The Тест по русскому языку как иностранному Четвертый сертификационный уровень (ТРКИ-4), as it's known in Russian, is the top exam for Russian as a foreign language. The exam guidelines are set by the Russian Ministry of Education. The level is … [Read more...]
Russian TRKI 2nd and 3rd certificate exam preparation materials reviewed
If you want to pass the Test of Russian as a Foreign Language Second (B2) or Third Certificate (C1) exams, you need to get good at Russian across all four language skills (reading, writing, listening and reading). You also have to train up for exams themselves. Russian learners at all levels will find that there are far fewer materials than for comparable widely-spoken … [Read more...]
The TRKI 4 advanced Russian exam: successful candidate interview (3)
Advanced Russian learner Aga has been telling me how she passed the top official exam in Russian as a foreign language, the dreaded Test of Russian as a Foreign Language 4th Certificate (ToRFL or TRKI 4) (Тест по русскому языку как иностранному Четвертый сертификационный уровень (ТРКИ 4))... Is the Fourth Certificate really as fiendishly difficult as it's rumoured to be? How … [Read more...]
TRKI 4th certificate: this top Russian exam really does exist and CAN be passed (interview with a successful candidate)
A lot of mystery surrounds the TRKI 4th Certificate, the top exam for Russian as a foreign language within the framework guidelines established by the Russian Ministry of Education (тест по русскому языку как иностранному Четвертый сертификационный уровень (ТРКИ-4)). It's "the ultimate" Russian exam, the equivalent of the C2 level ("Mastery or proficiency") on the scale of … [Read more...]